Turning proffesional

Hi dear readers of my blog. Excuse me for not having updated for a while. I've been having a lot to do the last two weeks - Because I'm turning professional!!
No not a professional poolplayer (I'm not that good) - but a professional poolhall owner. I've bought the poolhall in Trollhättan (Sweden). I moved 350 km from Malmö to Trollhättan this saturday. And this july I'm going to close the poolhall because I'm going to make a few changes. I have bought a snookertable, and to make room for it we have to make some rather big changes. If you're intrested you can see a few pictures at my provisionary hompage www.biljardpalladium.se.
I'll probably not have time for to many news on this blog this month, but I'll be back in august with tournament and event information on the european billiard sports.